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Welcome to Ballance-N-Motion (BNM) Fitness Training​!


Ballance = Balance. That's the key variable in the equation that will amplify your next workout. Ballance-N-Motion is more than a workout.

Its mastery of the mechanism you use to move in any direction. Its creating ways to challenge one's notion of easy. Its forgetting you are working out with sweat drenching your outfit. Its intensity with precision. Its using every muscle in the body at once. Its an obstacle course inside your mind. Its a burn that feels great while your burning. Then relax, breathe, enjoy... and start again.


BNM Fitness Training. Get a personal 30 minute session from the Founder & President, Amari Kweli. Limited sessions available.  


Ballance-N-Motion (BNM for short), is a fitness activity I created in the summer of 2015 in an effort to loose weight and  stay in shape.  The treadmill and elliptical machines have their benefits but I found them to be boring and too routine. BNM is much more exciting because it frees you from the right/left/right construct of traditional fitness activities.  It utilizes the balancing mechanism of your body along with fast movements of the arms, torso, and legs to burn calories at an accellerated rate.

After applying BNM for 7 months, I dropped 80 lbs from 270 lbs to 190 lbs. I continue to practice BNM about 3-4x per week as an integral part of my workout.

Besides the weight loss benefits, there are many other physical and mental benefits that come with practicing BNM, including improved eye hand coordination, quicker reflexes, improved concentration, increased stamina and improved accuracy. These benefits will pay huge dividends in other sport activities that you may be engaged in.

Welcome to BNM Training!
                PERSONAL 1 ON 1 TRAINING

When you add balance to movement, the body is forced to use more of its internal systems to counter balance and produce energy for movement. Unfortunately, most newbies get discouraged quickly and quit because they find it very difficult to balance the play ball longer than 5 seconds without dropping it. That's why we recommend starting with a Personal 1 on 1 Training session.

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